

    Employer of Record Service

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    Global employment outsourcing (GEO)for extensive access

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    Global recruiting talent


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    Global compliance management


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    Payroll service for global employee wages

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  •  Global Employment Outsourcing for extensive access

    Linked Inter offers global employment outsourcing-Cross-border expansion to help companies or businesses expand their scope to different countries and regions.

    Extensive access of Global Employment Outsourcing is a crucial element in the modern digital age. It refers to the ability to easily and efficiently gain access to a wide range of information and resources. This is achieved through various means such as the internet, intranets, and extranets.

    Global Employment Outsourcing (GEO) is an innovative and flexible approach to staffing that leverages the latest technologies and tools to connect organizations with a global network of highly skilled and experienced freelancers. GEO provides organizations with access to a scalable and cost-effective talent pool, while offering job seekers an opportunity to work remotely and on a flexible basis.

    GEO solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client and are designed to help them achieve their business objectives. By outsourcing certain job functions to a global network of freelancers, GEO enables organizations to focus on their core business while reducing costs and improving efficiency.

    The benefits of GEO are numerous. For organizations, outsourcing can help reduce operating costs, improve productivity, and increase efficiency. GEO also enables organizations to quickly scale up or down their workforce to meet demand. For job seekers, GEO provides access to a wide range of remote job opportunities, allowing them to work flexibly and from anywhere in the world.

    GEO is an emerging trend in the world of work that is expected to continue to grow in popularity as technology enables more efficient and cost-effective ways of working. As a result, organizations seeking to remain competitive in today's fast-paced business environment should consider exploring the potential benefits of outsourcing their employment needs through GEO solutions.

  • Global recruiting talent 

    Linked Inter International provides international headhunting services.

    Recruiting talent is an essential task for any organization. It involves finding and attracting the most talented individuals in the market, who possess the skills, experience, and expertise required to excel in a given role. The process of recruiting talent is not an easy one, but it is a crucial one for ensuring the success of any business.

    To be successful in today's fiercely competitive job market, organizations must develop a well-planned and structured recruitment strategy. This strategy should identify the specific requirements of each role, define the skill sets and competencies required, and identify the most effective channels for attracting top-tier talent.

    One of the primary challenges that organizations face in recruiting talent is the ability to attract and retain top performers. These individuals are in high demand and often have a choice between multiple offers. Therefore, it is essential for organizations to develop a strong employer brand that resonates with top performers and makes them want to join and stay.

    In addition to developing a strong employer brand, organizations must also ensure that their recruitment processes are efficient and streamlined. This includes using modern recruitment technologies, such as applicant tracking systems and social media recruitment tools, to simplify the screening and selection process.

    Finally, organizations must also focus on providing competitive compensation and benefits packages to attract top talent. While salary is often a key factor in attracting top performers, other benefits, such as employee training and development opportunities, also play a crucial role in ensuring the success of any recruitment strategy.


    Global compliance management

    Linked Inter provide global compliance management services.

    Compliance management refers to the process of ensuring that an organization's operations comply with the laws, regulations, and standards that govern its industry. It involves identifying the relevant legal requirements, assessing the impact of these requirements on the organization's operations, developing a plan to address any compliance issues that are identified, implementing the plan, and monitoring compliance over time. The goal of compliance management is to minimize the risk of legal liability and maintain the integrity of the organization's operations.

  • Payroll service for global employee wages

    inked Inter International provide payroll service for global employee wages of enterprises.

    Paying global employees is an important task that needs to be handled with caution. For a multinational company, it is a necessary responsibility to pay its global employees because they contribute to the company and deserve what they deserve. However, many factors need to be considered when handling this task, such as wage standards and tax policies in different countries and regions, and exchange rate fluctuations.

    First, for a multinational company, paying global employees needs to take into account the wage standards and tax policies of different countries and regions. Wages and tax policies vary from country to region, so payment plans need to be made for different countries and regions. In addition, the exchange rate fluctuations between different currencies need to be considered, as this may affect the payment cost of the company and the salary level of the employees.

    Second, paying global employees also needs to take into account the company's financial position and cash flow. If companies are in poor financial position or poor cash flow, paying global employees could be a huge challenge. Therefore, companies need to develop corresponding financial plans and budgets to ensure that employees can be paid on time.

    Finally, paying global employees also needs to take into account the company's management and human resources policies. The company needs to develop corresponding management systems and processes to ensure that employees can be paid on time, accurately and fairly. In addition, the company also needs to strengthen the training and management of employees, improve their work efficiency and productivity, in order to better repay their contributions.

    In conclusion, paying global employees is an important task that needs to be handled with caution. The company needs to take into account the salary standards and tax policies of different countries and regions, the company's financial position and cash flow, the company's management and human resources policies and other factors, and formulate corresponding payment plans and management systems to ensure that employees can be paid on time, accurately and fairly.


    To achieve a reduction in the cost of human resources & the overall efficiency improvement of the enterprise.

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    Business process outsourcing



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    International Consulting Services

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    Global welfare administration management

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    Global dispatch services


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    Establishment services for physical companies


    Linked Inter share the service fee with oversea branch between 30% - 50% arrange

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  • Our client’s next target country

    Saudi Arabia

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  • Our Clients

    Global administrative outsourcing

    Globle employment solutions

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  • Our Oversea EOR Office

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